Hma 1955 Section 14 : No petition for divorce to be presented within one year of marriage :

Hindu Marriage Act 1955 Section 14 : No petition for divorce to be presented within one year of marriage : (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, it shall not be competent for any court to entertain any petition for dissolution of a marriage by…

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Hma 1955 Section 6 : [Guardianship in marriage] :

Hindu Marriage Act 1955 Section 6 : [Guardianship in marriage] : Omitted by the Child Marriage Restraint (Amendment) Act, 1978, (2 of 1978), s. 6 and Schedule (w.e.f. 1-10-1978). हिन्दू विवाह अधिनियम १९५५ धारा ६ : (विवाह में अभिभावकता ) : बाल विवाह अवरोध (संशोधन)…

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