Mv act 1988 Section 66A : 1.[National Transportation Policy :

Motor Vehicles Act 1988
Section 66A :
1.[National Transportation Policy :
The Central Government may develop a National Transportation Policy consistent with the objects of this Act in concurrence with the State Governments and other agencies with a view to –
(i) establish a planning framework for passengers and goods transportation within which transport bodies are to operate;
(ii) establish a medium and long term planning framework for all forms of road transport, identify areas for the development of transport improvement infrastructure across India in consultation with the authorities and agencies related to ports, railways and aviation as well as with local and State level planning, land holding and regulatory authorities for the delivery of an integrated multimodal transport system;
(iii) establish the framework of grant of permits and schemes;
(iv) establish strategic policy for transport by road and its role as a link to other means of transport;
(v) identify strategic policies and specify priorities for the transport system that address current and future challenges;
(vi) provide medium to long term strategic directions, priorities and actions;
(vii) promote competition, innovation, increase in capacity, seamless mobility and greater efficiency in transport of goods or livestock or passengers, and economical use of resources;
(viii) safeguard the interest of the public and promote equity, while seeking to enhance private participation and public-private partnership in the transport sector;
(ix) demonstrate an integrated approach to transport and land use planning;
(x) identify the challenges that the National Transportation Policy seeks to address; and
(xi) address any other matter deemed relevant by the Central Government.]
1. Inserted by Act No. 32 of 2019, section 30 dated 9.8.2019.

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