Mv act 1988 Section 159 : 1.[Information to be given regarding accident :

Motor Vehicles Act 1988
Section 159 :
1.[Information to be given regarding accident :
The police officer shall, during the investigation, prepare an accident information report to facilitate the settlement of claim in such form and manner, within three months and containing such particulars and submit the same to the Claims Tribunal and such other agency as may be prescribed.]
1. Substituted For Chapter XI by Act No. 32 of 2019, section 51 dated 9.8.2019.
Prior to this :
Information to be given regarding accident :
A State Government may make rules requiring the owner of any motor vehicle when applying whether by payment of a tax or otherwise for authority to use the vehicle in a public place to produce such evidence as may be prescribed by those rules to the effect that either–
(a) on the date when the authority to use the vehicle comes into operation there will be in force the necessary policy of insurance in relation to the use of the vehicle by the applicant or by other persons on his order or with his permission, or
(b) the vehicle is a vehicle to which section 146 does not apply.

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