Mv act 1988 Section 124 : Prohibition against travelling without pass or ticket :

Motor Vehicles Act 1988
Section 124 :
Prohibition against travelling without pass or ticket :
No person shall enter or remain in any stage carriage for the purposes of travelling therein unless he has with him a proper pass or ticket:
Provided that where arrangements for the supply of tickets are made in the stage carriage by which a person has to travel, a person may enter such stage carriage but as soon as may be after his entry therein, he shall make the payment of his fare to the conductor or the driver who performs the functions of a conductor and obtain from such conductor or driver, as the case may be, a ticket for his journey.
Explanation :
In this section,
(a) pass means a duty privilege or courtesy pass entitling the person to whom it is given to travel in a stage carriage gratuitously and includes a pass issued on payment for travel in a stage carriage for the period specified therein;
(b) ticket includes a single ticket, a return ticket or a season ticket.

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