JJ act 2015 Section 37 : Orders passed regarding a child in need of care and protection :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 37 : Orders passed regarding a child in need of care and protection : (1) The Committee on being satisfied through the inquiry that the child before the Committee is a child in need of care and protection, may, on…

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JJ act 2015 Section 32 : Mandatory reporting regarding a child found separated from guardian :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 32 : Mandatory reporting regarding a child found separated from guardian : (1) Any individual or a police officer or any functionary of any organisation or a nursing home or hospital or maternity home, who or which finds and takes…

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JJ act 2015 Section 30 : Functions and responsibilities of Committee :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 30 : Functions and responsibilities of Committee : The functions and responsibilities of the Committee shall include— (i) taking cognizance of and receiving the children produced before it; (ii) conducting inquiry on all issues relating to and affecting the safety…

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JJ act 2015 Section 26 : Provision with respect of run away child in conflict with law :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 26 : Provision with respect of run away child in conflict with law : (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other law for the time being in force, any police officer may take charge of a child…

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JJ act 2015 Section 25 : Special provision in respect of pending cases :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 25 : Special provision in respect of pending cases : Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, all proceedings in respect of a child alleged or found to be in conflict with law pending before any Board or court on the…

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JJ act 2015 Section 24 : Removal of disqualification on the findings of an offence :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 24 : Removal of disqualification on the findings of an offence : (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, a child who has committed an offence and has been dealt with under the…

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JJ act 2015 Section 23 : No joint proceedings of child in conflict with law and person not a child :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 23 : No joint proceedings of child in conflict with law and person not a child : (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 223 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) or in any other law for…

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JJ act 2015 Section 22 : Proceeding under Chapter VIII of the Code of Criminal Procedure not to apply against child :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 22 : Proceeding under Chapter VIII of the Code of Criminal Procedure not to apply against child : Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, or any preventive detention law for the time being…

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JJ act 2015 Section 21 : Order that may not be passed against a child in conflict with law :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 21 : Order that may not be passed against a child in conflict with law : No child in conflict with law shall be sentenced to death or for life imprisonment without the possibility of release, for any such offence,…

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JJ act 2015 Section 20 : Child attained age of twenty-one years and yet to complete prescribed term of stay in place of safety :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 20 : Child attained age of twenty-one years and yet to complete prescribed term of stay in place of safety : (1) When the child in conflict with the law attains the age of twenty-one years and is yet to…

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JJ act 2015 Section 18 : Orders regarding child found to be in conflict with law :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 Section 18 : Orders regarding child found to be in conflict with law : (1) Where a Board is satisfied on inquiry that a child irrespective of age has committed a petty offence, or a serious offence, or a child below…

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