JJ act 2015 Section 13 : Information to parents, guardian or probation officer :

Juvenile Justice Act 2015
Section 13 :
Information to parents, guardian or probation officer :
(1) Where a child alleged to be in conflict with law is apprehended, the officer designated as Child Welfare Police Officer of the police station, or the special juvenile police unit to which such child is brought, shall, as soon as possible after apprehending the child, inform —
(i) the parent or guardian of such child, if they can be found, and direct them to be present at the Board before which the child is produced; and
(ii) the probation officer, or if no probation officer is available, a Child Welfare Officer, for preparation and submission within two weeks to the Board, a social investigation report containing information regarding the antecedents and family background of the child and other material circumstances likely to be of assistance to the Board for making the inquiry.
(2) Where a child is released on bail, the probation officer or the Child Welfare Officer shall be informed by the Board.

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