Arms act Section 9 : Prohibition of acquisition or possession by, or of sale or transfer to, young persons and certain other persons of firearms, etc :

Arms Act 1959
Section 9 :
Prohibition of acquisition or possession by, or of sale or transfer to, young persons and certain other persons of firearms, etc :
(1) Notwith-standing anything in the foregoing provisions of this Act
(a) no person,
(i) who has not completed the age of 1.[twenty-one years], or
(ii) who has been sentenced on conviction of any offence involving violence or moral turpitude to imprisonment for 2.[any term] at any time during a period of five years after the expiration of the sentence, or
(iii) who has been ordered to execute under Chapter VIII of the [Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974)] a bond for keeping the peace or for good behaviour, at any time during the term of the bond, shall acquire, have in his possession or carry any firearm or ammunition;
(b) no person shall sell or transfer any firearm or ammunition to, or convert, repair, test or prove any firearm or ammunition for, any other person whom he knows, or has reason to believe
(i) to be prohibited under clause (a) from acquiring, having in his possession or carrying any firearm or ammunition, or
(ii) to be of unsound mind at the time of such sale or transfer, or such conversion, repair, test or proof.
(2) Notwithstanding anything in sub-clause (i) of clause (a) of sub-section (1), a person who has attained the prescribed age-limit may use under prescribed conditions such firearms as may be prescribed in the course of his training in the use of such firearms:
Provided that different age-limits may be prescribed in relation to different types of firearms.
1. Substituted for “sixteen years” by Act 23 of 1983, Section 5, (w.e.f. 22.6.1983).
2. Substituted for “a term of not less than six months” by Act 23 of 1983, Section 5, (w.e.f. 22.6.1983).
3. Substituted for “Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (5 of 1898)” by Act 23 of 1983, Section 5, (w.e.f. 22.6.1983).

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